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Orficast Thermoplastic Tape

# 4030
Original price > 49.50 $ - Original price 625.20 $
Original price 49.50 $
49.50 $
49.50 $ - 625.20 $
Current price 49.50 $
  • Thermoplastic knitted textile on a roll.
  • Excellent elasticity in two directions.
  • Excellent memory (lengthwise).
  • Thin and breathable fabric material.
  • Easy to cut. 
  • Self-adhesive capacity, especially when dry heated.

Recommanded for:

  • Perfect to use in case of traumatic and orthopaedic conditions which require quick and easy immobilization orthoses.
  • Recommended also as first aid product in casting rooms and operating theatres. All types of immobilization finger orthoses, and hand based wrist and thumb orthoses.
  • Precise modelling and snug fit prevent pressure points.
  • Allows to fabricate static progressive orthoses to regain range of motion.
  • Also recommended to use in case of fragile skin, for example for patients suffering a poly-arthritic condition.
  • Fabrication of larger orthoses will require dry heat for bonding.

10 benefits with the use of Orficast:
  1. The low activation temperature (65°C -149°F) allows you to apply the Orficast directly onto your patient without burning the skin.
  2. Orficast conforms perfectly to the patient’s individual anatomy.
  3. The activation time is really quick! (Maximum 1 minute in a Suspan water bath). There is just enough working time to wrap the material on the patient. Within 1 minute, the cast is already hard enough to support the injured body part.
  4. The knitted structure results in a stretchable, thin, lightweight splint or cast which allows the skin to breath and prevents maceration.
  5. There is no need to wear gloves while using and applying Orficast.
  6. Heat activated Orficast is self-adhesive: the overlapping layers will stick to each other when firmly pressed together.
  7. The fabricated Orficast splint can easily be trimmed with scissors to remove excessive material.
  8. The resulting splint is light and compact, allowing patients the ability to continue their daily tasks without interference.
  9. Orficast has a comfortable and soft feeling: the edges of the overlapping layers are visible on the outside of the splint/ cast but are not felt on the inside.
  10. Orficast can be reactivated in order to completely remake the splint or make small corrections to the shape.