A-Series Fixed Ceiling Track Lifts - OLD
The A-450 and the A-625 represent the next generation in lifting and handling technology that enable clients to be transferred in a comfortable and dignified manner. The A-Series displays real-time information through its interactive handset. Its Network Communication Module (NCM) software provides usage data and statistics, enabling faster diagnostics and service.
Product highlights
- Lifting range: up to 96” (2 438 mm)
- Lift weight: 21-23,5 lb (9.5 -10.65 kg
- Maximum load: A-450: 450lb (204 kg)
A-625: 625 lb (283 kg)
- Max sound level: Raising max load 56.1 dB
Lowering max load 60.3 dB
- Service life: 22 500 cycles or 10 years
Wi-Fi enable for ease of Diagnostics and Service
Service and Diagnostics are made easy with the NCM, Network Communication Module software. Technicians can access the lift data via WI-FI. The A-Series has a dettachable trolley for ease of service and its design provides side access for service and replacement of batteries.
Trolley design - 15º tilt
The A-Series ceiling lift tilt trolley facilitates the repositioning of your client during lifting or transferring activities by allowing a 15 degree tilt
Charging options
There are 4 options for charging a Prism A-Series lift:
- Charging station on track
- Continuous charging on track
- ON-CABLE charging through handset
- Handset wall cradle charging
Antimicrobial Strap with wear indicators
Prism A-Series lifts are easy to clean and disinfect. Its superior strap provides aid in infection control due to its specialized antimicrobial coating at the fiber level.
* For models compatible with Arjo, BHM and Omni tracks, please contact us for more information.